MART members braved tremendous traffic and slight drizzles to meet up in BGC’s Terra 28th last October 14 2016 to participate in the first ever CrossFit competition entitled “MART to Market.” Members from the financial market teamed up to strut their strength and will power to outlast other teams through 3 sets of rigorous exercise routines that involved medicine balls, kettle bells, and barbell plates facilitated by Central Ground. Although not all the members that came participated in demanding drills, everybody had a blast cheering on friends and colleagues while enjoying grub and refreshments sold at the bazaars.  At the end of the day, Team ICAP emerged on top followed by Team RCBC and Team Prebon. Not to take away anything from the other teams but kudos to the contenders from Amstel, Security bank, Metrobank, Chinabank, Landbank, and FMIC as going through the first heat was no simple feat. It seems market members are getting their beach bods ready for the MART convention in Bohol in a few weeks’ time!

By: Marco Campos