
In the sixties, the Philippine economy exhibited considerable growth where production expanded at a steady pace and the investment climate was regarded as generally favorable. Based on these sound economic considerations came the birth of the money market in the Philippines. More investment alternatives were offered to the public with the introduction of various money market instruments. By the early seventies, the money market had grown in size and sophistication, making the dealers and brokers realize the necessity for a medium through which they could professionalize their trade. Thus, in 1971, they banded together and formed an association whose aim was to foster cooperation and understanding among its members as well as between them and the agencies they dealt with in their normal course of business.

The Money Market Association of the Philippines, or MART for short, has come a long way since its humble beginnings. To date, the association has a total of 64 member institutions consisting of banks and non-bank financial institutions that actively trade fixed income securities in the market. The administrative structure is securely in place with a network of 12 highly-specialized working committees. The depth of its established communication links has provided avenues for discussion of relevant and vital issues affecting the industry.

The association as it is today did not evolve without its own growing pains. Major upheavals and significant events distinguished these years, and through it all, the MART has emerged as the responsive and dynamic body it is today, steadfast in the pursuit of its goals, and gearing up for the challenges of the future.